Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Halfmoon Creek Trail Near Leadville Colorado

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HGDXqeJkhU&w=640&h=360]

[ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps | https://o3djeeps.com ]

Cool challenging trail near Leadville, Colorado. Water crossing plus rock obstacle. Going up was a little easier. I could have done the down side better... I wanted to be a little more driver at the end, and when I tried to correct, I couldn't because there was now a rock stopping me at the rear bumper. A couple of attempts to back up and move more driver resulted in sliding even more passenger...so I ended up just rolling with it. Super fun!


  1. If only your spotters were doing their job they would have lined your tires on top of the rocks instead of having to rub your frame rails all the way down. A good spotter makes all the difference.

  2. I was at this trail on 7-17-16 and it was posted as closed to motorized traffic. Was the sign just a suggestion ?

  3. The sign was on the left side as you head the direction opposite your video on one of those skinny brown posts. Nice jeep btw.

  4. Looks like tons of fun!

  5. Just saw some of the comments here and wanted to let you know this part of half-moon Creek was closed July 10th of 2016 and the signs installed then. Looks like you were on it prior to that so you were good. It was closed due to a lawsuit between the forest service and a handful of environmental groups. A ton of trails were closed, including the other small section going up to the champion mill. We are fighting to get them back open again but it will be some time.

  6. locals call this Iron Mike

  7. is this section before the mine or after.
