Thursday, August 30, 2018

IT WORKED! Plasti Dip Pins on the Diabolical Slipstream to Prevent Rattles and Squeaks


This solved my squeaking problem and any rattling over bumps! Well worth the 15 minutes it takes to do this! I should have done it sooner.

🔔 Please CLICK THE BELL if you want to see my videos! 🔔


  1. Great idea!! I did not know it can in the dipping can. For a similar problem I used heat shrink tubing in various colours so I remember where different sized pins go.

  2. I like your videos but this is why I went with the backbone. No rattle. At least you found a fix

  3. That's good to hear! Seems like mine has tended to get louder over the last month or so, and I've had the top off the whole time. Been thinking I will need to do something once I put the top back on. 73

  4. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ]August 30, 2018 at 6:19 PM

    Too bad the backbone can't work with a hard top...

  5. You left us hanging by not showing the fit after the fact. Seems like they have plenty of room, just curious how tight of a fit after you dipped them.

  6. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ] Actually it can but I run topless

  7. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ] “Features:
    • Fits Soft Top AND Hard Top 4 door JK's (2011-2017)”

  8. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ]August 30, 2018 at 6:24 PM

    +lloydrage okay. Nice. The video I watched must have been an early version

  9. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ] no worries. It’s not modular so diabolical has that advantage

  10. They fit fine... More snug but no issues. I would not make them any thicker.

  11. Cool. I haven't used that stuff in years, but in the video it looked like you got a great first coat. I used to do multiple coats on tools but it did seem like just one was plenty for this application. I'll run down tomorrow, pick up a can and give it a shot myself. Thanks for being the guinea pig. lol

  12. Chicago Pedaler ProjectAugust 30, 2018 at 7:22 PM

    My rear seats were squeaking. Took me forever to figure out where it was coming from...

  13. Hope that solves the noise!!

  14. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ]August 31, 2018 at 3:49 AM

    it did! I wanted to test it with nothing else in the back... so I cleaned everything out of the Jeep.. drove around, heard the noise. Plasti-dipped the piins, drove around... no noise. :-)

  15. One inch every five seconds? You were a bit fast.

  16. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ]August 31, 2018 at 3:29 PM

    That inst but about 3 inches long .... The pace turned out perfect. 😁

  17. would rubber grommets have worked in the actual holes or would they have been to thick?

  18. o3djeeps [ OVERCLOCK3D Jeeps ]September 1, 2018 at 4:37 AM

    I think it would be harder because in some places there are 4 holes a pin passes through. It's square tube that is drilled on each bar you have 2 holes to pass through. I did consider looking for a plastic tube that could fit over the pin... Or even just wrapping it in electrical tape. But I decided this was just as easy.
